“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul. ”
— Alfred Austin
Why Gardens, Agriculture
and Nature?
The Nature-Health Connection
At Valor Healing Farms we believe in the healing powers of the natural world.
We bring you to the delights of gardening, planting, farming, and communing with horses to help you develop greater levels of personal healing and health. Through these experiential activities, and with the support of our wonderful therapists and staff, we believe you will grow through the forces of Nature just as all living things grow. Your abilities to experience well-being, self-care, stress reduction and effective daily life skills are just a few of the potential benefits.
Our program is practical, restorative and effective. The potential benefits for veterans, active duty service members, caregivers and first responders are vast and holistic. Mind, body, heart and spirit can all be touched and changed through these activities and practices. No prior experience is necessary. “Eco-therapy” and “eco-psychology” are relevant terms for what we do at Valor Healing Farms. They are approaches that combine mindfulness with experiences of nature, and emphasize the relationships between mental/emotional health and environment. Nature is a universally healing force and people have always turned to it to heal their hearts and rest their spirits. Our approach enhances well-being, is positive, non-judgmental and nurturing.